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Bild Auf Lager | Kosmetikliege mit verstellbarem Kopfteil, Grau Velours vom STM Beauty Shop
Bild Auf Lager | Kosmetikliege mit verstellbarem Kopfteil, Grau Velours vom STM Beauty Shop
Bild Auf Lager | Kosmetikliege mit verstellbarem Kopfteil, Grau Velours vom STM Beauty Shop


In Stock | Beauty couch with adjustable headpart, Grey velour

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In stock! Delivery time 5-7 days

Anatomical couch with adjustable headboard in stock!

Delivery time 5-7 days

The special feature of this model is the adjustable headboard, which you can change the height to any angle up to 90 degrees. The headboard has 10 positions.

The couch has a special anatomical shape, which repeats the curves of the human body. This allows the body to relax maximally due to proper blood circulation, so the client does not get tired during long procedures.

  • The height of the couch is optimal for the cosmetologist's work, which allows to relieve back strain.

  • The space under the couch allows the beautician to comfortably place his/her feet.

  • The couches are made personally for each client in our own production facility.

  • Each couch is completely handmade.

  • The frame is made of natural wood, which is hypoallergenic and durable. All seams are stitched (without the use of glue).

  • Material - velour
  • Colour - grey
  • Decoration with rhinestones


Length - 175 cm

Width - 70 cm

Height - 65-74 cm

Weight - 28 kg

Load capacity - up to 150 kg

  • Article in-stock-couch-sand-velour-adjustable
  • Название (Eng) In Stock | Beauty couch with adjustable headpart, Grey velour
Auf Lager | Kosmetikliege mit verstellbarem Kopfteil, Grau Velours